Monday, October 14, 2013

SCM 2013 Bowling Party

At the end of every summer, Sun City Mechanical likes to throw a company party as a thank you to all the employees for their hard work.  The employees and their families get together for the celebration.  This year we all went to the Johnson Lanes at the Recreation Center of Sun City West.  Not only did the employees and their families come, but our friends from Phoenix Wholesale came to have fun also!

The day started with 15 feet of Subway sub, chips, and cookies.  There were prizes for the top 3 men and top 3 women with the highest total score from all three games, the highest score for a single game, the most gutterballs, the most missed spares, and the most strikes.  The kids enjoyed bowling on a lane with bumpers and a ramp.  The younger kids all got a toy and the older kids all got Visa gift cards to spend.  

The day was a huge success and everyone had a blast!
Bambi and Tracy setting up the food

Bambi setting up the bowling lanes

Kennedy and Ava playing on the iPad before bowling

The Shelby Family (Peyton, Doyal, Bambi, Anthony, and Gabby)

Sergio, Hector and Angelica

Teralyn and Christopher

Andy (Gary's son), Ashlyn, and Kristen

Kevin, Tracy, Brent, and Alexis

Gary and Kennedy (his granddaughter)

Andy, Julie and Katie

Ava (Chris's daughter)

Sergio getting serious

Gary working on a strike

Coree, Rick, Gary, Denise and Denise's daughter




Chris helping Ava

Super Sergio going for most gutterballs

Bambi and Katie

Gary and Bambi

Jeff, Tracy and Jorel

Kennedy, Ashlyn, and Kristen

Ivan and Kevin

Brent bowling Granny style

Gina and Gary

Corre and Gary

Eating some delicious Subway

Gary trying to get a strike

Getting ready to hand out the awards

1st Place Women's Winner - Tracy (Paul's wife)

2nd Place Women's Winner - Bambi

3rd Place Women's Winner - Angelica (Sergio's girlfriend)

1st Place Men's Winner - Bob

2nd Place Men's Winner - Doyal

3rd Place Men's Winner - Andy

Winner for Most Gutterballs - Paul

Winner for Most Strikes - Doyal

Winner for Most Missed Spares - Kristen

Winner for Highest Game - Bob

Kennedy receiving her gift. She loved it!

 Thank you to all the employees and their families for coming to the event.  We wouldn't be here without each and every one of you.  You guys make Sun City Mechanical successful.  Also, thank you to Mel Shirey from Johnson Lanes for hosting our big group!

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